From the Book - First Scribner hardcover edition.
Prelude: "The elementary particles of organisms"
Introduction: "We shall always return to the cell"
The original cell: an invisible world
The visible cell: "Fictitious stories about the little animals"
The universal cell: "The smallest particle of this little world"
The pathogenic cell: microbes, infections, and the antibiotic revolution
Part two: The one and the many
The organized cell: the interior anatomy of the cell
The dividing cell: cellular reproduction and the birth of IVF
The tampered cell: Lulu, Nana, and the transgressions of trust
The developing cell: a cell becomes an organism
The restless cell: circles of blood
The healing cell: platelets, clots, and a "modern epidemic"
The guardian cell: neutrophils and their kampf against pathogens
The defending cell: when a body meets a body
The discerning cell: the subtle intelligence of the T cell
The tolerant cell: the self, horror antitoxicus, and immunotherapy
The citizen cell: the benefits of belonging
The contemplating cell: the many-minded neuron
The orchestrating cell: homeostasis, fixity, and balance
The renewing cell: stem cells and the birth of transplantation
The repairing cell: injury, decay, and constancy
The selfish cell: the ecological equation and cancer
Epilogue: "Better versions of me".